This section is for Members Only.
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The following databases will be available to all members of Common Ground in this Members Only section, along with other resources developed.

Common Ground Academic Database

This project is maintaining a comprehensive, searchable database of researchers using social sciences and humanities approaches (whether in or outside a SSH discipline) in research on food systems.

The emphasis is on researchers who attend to the social / relational aspects of agricultural, fisheries and food systems transitions toward a net-zero economy.

The inventory will be used to:

  • Facilitate collaborative dialogue, roundtables and research across regions and disciplines
  • Elevate social science and humanities expertise and work
  • Develop an Ask-for-Expertise service/touchpoint for all tiers of government and NGOs coast-to-coast-to-coast.
  • Collect and share articles, reports, books to support analysis
Community Database

A coast-to-coast-to-coast database of non-profit actors, projects and community research, developed by Food Communities Network (FCN), will be available to all Common Ground members.