Our work is guided by a focus on:
- A Food Systems approach
- Right Relations
- Just Transitions and ‘More than zero’
- Ideas, Ethics, Histories and Values
- Social Relations
Key Areas of Inquiry include the social relations across:
- People and Land
- Rural and Urban Canada
- Canada and the World
- People in/and The Food System
- Indigenous communities
- Evaluative Frameworks for Sustainability
Activities over 5 years include:
- Bringing academic and community expertise together across Canada/Indigenous Territories
- Support for three Indigenous Circles focused on food systems
- Identification of gaps in research and opportunities for investment
- Documenting innovative practices and approaches to food systems sustainability
- Facilitating research-policy roundtables, online discussions and one major conference
- Producing research and policy briefs
- Distributing seed funding for member’s community-partnered research
- Developing an Ask-for-Expertise function
- Establishing a trainee database with opportunities for students and recent graduates
Current Focus:
Network Development
Please take our survey to become part of this growing network.
The survey is being conducted to identify SSH expertise across disciplines and across Canada/Indigenous Territories.
To read a copy of the survey questions before completing the survey, click here.
Please feel free to circulate through your networks.